Mightier Than Co- Dan Duarte
I got to speak with Dan Duarte- the owner and Orlando/Seattle-based designer of Mightier Than Co, an independent brand that celebrates designers, writers, illustrators, and artists of all kinds who value the power of the written word. With that in mind, he created a collection of shirts, greeting cards, enamel pins, patches, and other gifts that embodied his vision and captured an aesthetic of contemporary graphic design, vintage package design, and traditional tattoos.
I spoke to Dan about how and why he started Mightier Than Co. and what inspires his collections. We discussed his creative process and how he gets out of a creative rut.
We discussed how music played a part in his creative journey and how he came up with the slogan "Stay Sharp. Be Deadly."
Lunch with Biggie is a podcast about small businesses and creatives sharing their stories and inspiring you to pursue your passion. It also includes some sandwich talk. The podcast was created, edited, and produced in Orlando, FL, by Biggie, the owner of the sandwich-themed clothing brand Deli Fresh Threads.
Mightier Than Co Social:
Mightier Than Co IG: https://www.instagram.com/mightierthanco/
Mightier Than Co Website: https://www.mightierthan.co/
Biggie's Social:
Deli Fresh Thread's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/delifreshthreads/
Podcast's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/lunchwithbiggie/
Podcast's Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/lunchwithbiggie
Podcast's Twitter- https://twitter.com/LunchwithBiggie
Deli Fresh Threads- https://DeliFreshThreads.com