Foolies Limited Clothing- Alex Nemo Hanse
I got to spend a lunch break with Alex Nemo Hanse, owner of Foolies Limited Clothing, a clothing brand dedicated to uplifting and motivating people to chase their dreams no matter how "foolish" it seems.
I spoke to Nemo about how he came up with the idea to start Foolies. We spoke about how the past 13 years he has been such an advocate for strong black women and the women that inspire him. We discussed being inspirational for so many and why he does that. Nemo spoke about how folks need to become OK with being the number 2 person on their journey and to help and serve others along the way. Our time will come just be ready for it. We spoke about the losses and the realities of being a brand owner vs what you see on social. We spoke about why he created the Affirmations Book and the goals he has in being more than just a clothing brand. Was a great long lunch break with Nemo. Lots to listen to and enjoy.
Lunch with Biggie is a podcast about small business and creatives sharing their stories and inspiring you to pursue your passion, with some sandwich talk on the side. Created, edited, and produced in Orlando, FL by Biggie- the owner of the sandwich-themed clothing brand- Deli Fresh Threads.
Foolies Social:
Foolies IG: https://www.instagram.com/foolies/
Foolies Website: https://www.thefoolies.com/
Foolies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FooliesClothing/
Foolies Approved- Affirmations Book: amzn.to/3IRf5xS
Biggie's Social:
Deli Fresh Thread's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/delifreshthreads/
Podcast's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/lunchwithbiggie/
Podcast's Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/lunchwithbiggie
Podcast's Twitter- https://twitter.com/LunchwithBiggie
Deli Fresh Threads- https://DeliFreshThreads.com