Failed Imagineer- Christopher Michon
I got to speak with Christopher Michon, designer, and creator behind Failed Imagineer - A tribute to the unapologetic spirit of punk rock, channeled through the whimsical lens of pop culture.
Christopher and I discussed everything from his favorite Disney movie, character, and ride to the Disney Culture and Punk and Pop culture.
I spoke to Christopher about how and why his brand started and love for Disney came from. We also spoke about failure and mental health. I had a great lunch break conversation with Christopher.
Lunch with Biggie is a podcast about small business and creatives sharing their stories and inspiring you to pursue your passion, with some sandwich talk on the side. They are created, edited, and produced in Orlando, FL by Biggie- the owner of the sandwich-themed clothing brand- Deli Fresh Threads.
Failed Imagineer Social:
Failed Imagineer IG: https://www.instagram.com/failedimagineer/
Failed Imagineer Cotton Bureau: https://cottonbureau.com/people/christopher-michon
Failed Imagineer Linktree: https://links.failedimagineer.com
Biggie's Social:
Deli Fresh Thread's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/delifreshthreads/
Podcast's Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/lunchwithbiggie/
Podcast's Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/lunchwithbiggie
Podcast's Twitter- https://twitter.com/LunchwithBiggie
Deli Fresh Threads- https://DeliFreshThreads.com